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cvla logo Helping people to live well and joyfully within a community of friends, support and Jewish values.


HomePrograms and Services

Now over 220 members strong, ChaiVillageLA is a very active community. Our calendar is full of educational, social and recreational programs. We're member led, so members serve on committees, run classes and events, and help one another with check-in calls, friendly visits and rides to the doctor. We also go out into the community, helping homeless families, collecting clothing for children in need and assisting in after-school programs.

Events and Programs
Tuesday Morning Walks Short Story Group Movie Meet Ups Bridge Games Healthy Living Programs

Jewish Celebrations and Study

Annual Village Seder
Clergy-Led Learning
Sukkot Celebration
New Member Welcome Events
80's + Group

Member-Provided Services

(COVID precautions apply)
Meal Delivery
Check- In Calls

Friendly Visits
Computer Help

And Much More:

Guest Speakers,  Special Events and Celebrations

Opportunities to Volunteer on Committees, Village Events and  in the Community

Member-Recommended Local Businesses

Community Resource List

Footer with Jeanette, Alysha