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What is a Village?
  • ChaiVillageLA is part of the rapidly growing "Village Movement." It's not a place; it's a virtual community led by older adults who share their optimism, skills, support and expertise with each other to navigate the challenges and opportunities of aging.

Why is ChaiVillageLA different from all other Villages?
  • ChaiVillageLA is the first village in the United States that is based on Jewish values.
  • Village members are all affiliated with one of the two synagogues which have partnered to form the village: Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills and Temple Isaiah.

What kinds of services and programming can I expect from ChaiVillageLA?

We have a full calendar of events and members can participate in as many programs and events as they would like.
  • Programming--both social and educational--is available to all Village members.  For example:
Walking and other recreation groups
Cultural events and museum trips
Discussion groups and book clubs
Shabbat dinners and brunches at members' homes
Village-wide celebrations of Jewish holidays 
  • Volunteer-Provided Services include*:

  Friendly visits
Call buddies
Small home repairs
Rides for members to doctors, markets, synagogue, etc.

    Pet care
    Help with the ChaiVillageLA website
Technology Support
*Please note because of COVID precautions, some services may be temporarily unavailable.

Who provides and coordinates the services and programming?
  • Member volunteers lead programs and coordinate Interest Groups.
  • The ChaiVillageLA office manages service requests and helps find Village volunteers to fulfill those requests.
Who are the members of ChaiVillageLA?
  • If you are a member of Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills or Temple Isaiah, you will be pleased to know that many of your friends and neighbors are already members of the Village.
  • Currently we have over 235 members ranging in age from 55 to 95.
Do I have obligations to the Village?
  • In keeping with our Jewish values, including Tikkun Olam (Healing the World), ChaiVillageLA encourages all Village members to explore and engage in volunteer opportunities, whether within the Village or outside of the Village.  In fact, studies examining older adults' satisfaction with their lives show that helping others leads to self-reported better mental and even physical health.
  • Examples of Village opportunities include:
           Driving another member to a doctor appointment
           Bringing a meal to a sick Village member
           Making check-in phone calls to housebound Village members
           Helping a member having computer problems
           Leading a Village activity
           Working on a Village committee
           Helping in the Village office
How much does it cost to become a member of ChaiVillageLA?
The cost of annual membership is $165 for an individual and $250 for a household (effective July 1, 2021).
How can I sign up to become a member of ChaiVillageLA?
You can fill out the on-line membership application by going to Join Us  and clicking Sign Up Online.  
Please note:  you must be a member of a participating synagogue (Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills or Temple Isaiah) in order to join ChaiVillageLA.  To explore synagogue membership, please contact:
  Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills - (310) 288-3737
  Temple Isaiah - (310) 277-2772
If you do not wish to fill out your application online, or you have questions, please contact Devorah Servi at the ChaiVillageLA office at (310) 592-0321 or
Can I make a donation to ChaiVillageLA even if I am not a member?
Yes you can--and thank you!  Please visit the Donate tab of our website to see information about how to donate as well as an online donation form.  If you prefer to speak to someone in our office, please contact Director Devorah Servi at (310) 592-0321 or